Montesquieu (UMR 5317)
Société Montesquieu
Dictionnaire Montesquieu
Lire Montesquieu
Bibliothèque et Éditions
Unité Mixte de Recherche 5317, CNRS
Rechercher :
Hommage à Pierre Rétat
Œuvres complètes
Revue Montesquieu
Articles et chapitres d’ouvrage
Ouvrages, revues, thèses
Œuvres de Montesquieu
Lectures critiques
Automne 2022
Printemps 2013
Automne 2012
Lectures critiques 2010 - printemps 2012
Printemps 2021
Printemps 2020
Automne 2018
Automne 2017
Printemps 2016
Printemps 2015
Printemps 2014
Automne 2013
Séminaires, conférences et entretiens en ligne
Séminaire « (Re)lire
L’Esprit des lois
» 2011-2012
Montesquieu sur France-Culture
Journée d’agrégation
Lettres persanes
École normale supérieure de Lyon, 9 novembre 2013
Entretiens : "Lire Montesquieu" (ENS Média et Université ouverte des humanités)
Extraits, index, concordances des Œuvres complètes
Documents pour l’étude et la recherche
Index des volumes parus dans les
Œuvres complètes
Persian Letters
List of characters
The Persian Calendar
The Spirit of Law
Book I. On law in general
Book II. On laws which derive directly from the nature of the government
Book III. On the principles of the three governements
Book IV. That laws of education must relate to the principles of the government
Book V. That the laws made by the legislator must be relative to the principle of the government
Book VI. Consequences of the principles of the various governments with respect to the simplicity of the civil and criminal laws, the form of judgments, and the establishment of punishments
Book VII. Consequences of the different principles of the three governments with respect to sumptuary laws, to luxury, and to the condition of women
Book VIII. On the corruption of the principles of the three governments
Book IX. On the laws in their relations to the defensive force
Book X. On the laws in their relation to offensive strength
Book XI. On the laws that constitute political freedom in their relation to the constitution
Book XII. On laws that constitute political liberty in its relation to the citizen
Book XIII. On the relations which the levying of tributes and the magnitude of public revenues have with liberty
Book XIV. On the laws in their relation to the nature of the climate
Book XV. How the laws of civil slavery relate to the nature of the climate
Book XVI. How the laws of domestic slavery relate to the nature of the climate
Book XVII. How the laws of political servitude are related to the nature of the climate
Book XVIII. On laws in their relationship to the nature of the terrain
Book XIX. On the laws in the relation they have to the principles that constitute the general spirit, the morals, and the manners of a nation
Book XX. On laws in their relationship with commerce, considered in its nature and its distinctions
Book XXI. On laws in the relation they have to commerce, considered in the transformations it has seen in the world
Book XXII. On laws in their relation to the use of money
Book XXIII. On laws in their relation to the number of inhabitants
Book XXIV. On laws in their relation with religion, considered in its doctrines and in itself
Book XXV. On laws in their relation with the establishment of religion and its external policy
Book XXVI. On laws in the relation they must have with the order of things on which they bear
Book XXVII. On the origin and transformations of the Roman laws on successions
Book XXVIII. On the origin and transformations of the civil laws among the French
Book XXIX. On the manner of composing laws
Book XXX. Theory of feudal laws among the Franks, in the relation they have to the establishment of the monarchy
Book XXXI. Theory of feudal laws among the Franks, in their relation to the transformations in their monarchy
Annexes to the edition of 1758
Les auteurs
Arato, Franco
Arato, Franco