X.8 Continuation of the same subject

, par Stewart

Thus, when a republic holds some people in its dependency, it must seek to compensate for the disadvantages that arise from the nature of the thing by giving them a good political law and good civil laws.

An Italian republic was keeping islanders in its obeisance, but its political and civil law with respect to them was flawed. We remember the act of amnesty [1] that prescribes that they would no longer be sentenced to corporal punishments ex informata conscientia of the governor. We have often seen peoples ask for privileges ; here the sovereign grants the law of all nations.


[1Of 18 October 1738, printed in Genoa by Franchelli. Vietiamo al nostro General Gouvernatore in detta Isola di condanare in avenire solamente ex informata conscientia persona alcuna nazionale in pena afflittiva : potra ben si far arrestare ed incarcerare le persone che gli saranno sospette ; salvo di renderne poi à noi conto sollicitamente, att. VI. [‘We henceforth forbid our governor-general of this island to condemn to bodily punishment any person of our nation unless it be ex informata conscientia : however, he may arrest and imprison those he finds suspect, provided that he make a prompt account of it to us.’] See also Gazette d’Amsterdam, 23 December 1738.